My professional journey is a lot like your retirement journey. A mountain climb!
For years, I worked hard to learn from many different perspectives with the idea that when I finally hit my “mountain top” I would be well prepared to offer quality planning concepts that could be accounted for mathematically and not rely on hypothetical market illustrations. My goal was and remains to provide retirement planning insights with confidence based on fact not fiction.
My professional path has been a climb, an ascension. Early on I adopted what today is known as income planning. Income planning is simply the mathematical sequencing of accounts to create a predictable income. With income planning the objective is providing income guaranteed for life and shifting risk onto insurance companies with their claims paying ability to insure your income last your entire lifetime (spouse, as well, if you structure the contracts to include your spouse).
Over time, my approach to retirement planning evolved and today I pride myself on offering more tax aware planning and support. The effect of taxation on wealth and income can be severe so we help people become more tax aware by offering tax diversification options.
I've been retained and honored to train financial advisors by some of the largest insurance distribution companies in the country. I've worked professionally and collaboratively with law firms, CPAs and insurance companies.
*Matt is not affiliated with the O.N. Equity Sales Company or O.N. Investment Management Company. Guarantees are based upon the claims paying ability of the issuing insurance company.
*Guarantees are based upon the claims paying ability of the issuing insurance company.